Press Release: San Jose, Costa Rica 04/09/2020

- DHL employee volunteers arrived in Costa Rica on April 1, 2020, to assist Costa Rica National Emergency Commission (CNE) with setting up a distribution center to manage incoming COVID-19 related supplies
- DHL employees will consult with CNE on equipment needs and warehouse layout
Deutsche Post DHL Group, the world’s leading mail and logistics services provider, activated its Disaster Response Team (DRT) to provide logistics support for COVID-19 response efforts in cooperation with the Costa Rica National Emergency Commission (CNE). DHL’s DRT is comprised of specially-trained employee volunteers from DHL Global Forwarding and DHL Express located in Costa Rica. The DRT efforts began on April 1st and will continue through mid-April.
“During the next two months, the Costa Rican government will centralize the logistics, warehousing, distribution and procurement of supplies for at least 20 governmental entities that serve as the frontline agencies to combat COVID-19. This warehouse will store personal protection equipment, sanitation and cleaning supplies, medical and emergency equipment, food and water and water tanks” said Sigifredo Perez Chief of Operation, Costa Rica National Emergency Commission (CNE).
“Public-private partnership with industry experts is critical in times of emergency response. We are pleased that DHL is supporting us in this lifesaving effort for our citizens,” said Alexander Solís Delgado, president of Costa Rica National Emergency Commission (CNE).
DHL’s DRT will consult with CNE and assist with setting up the central supply warehouse. DHL Global Forwarding volunteers will consult on occupational health and safety issues, review necessary equipment and resources, consult on security matters, and manage donation inventories and purchases of cleaning supplies, hygiene, personal protective equipment and consumer goods. DHL Express volunteers will provide guidance and training for CNE personnel and volunteers who will be operating the warehouse moving forward. The effort falls under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by DHL and CNE on November 2009. Under the MOU, DHL will collaborate on emergency preparedness and disaster response efforts with CNE upon request.
“Our company purpose is to connect people and improve lives,” said Gilberto Castro, Americas DRT Coordinator, Deutsche Post DHL Group. “Our DRT volunteers support our company purpose. They are highly-trained employee volunteers who provide logistics expertise to help coordinate humanitarian logistics during emergency response situations.”
About the Disaster Response Team
The DRTs are part of DPDHL Group's GoHelp disaster management program, which it has operated in partnership with the United Nations (UN) since 2005. Through this partnership, the Group provides the UN and national disaster management agencies with pro bono access to its core logistics expertise, and the logistics skills of more than 700 specially-trained employee volunteers worldwide who can deploy within 72 hours after a disaster.
Since the partnership was launched, the DRTs have completed more than 45 deployments for different disasters in over 20 countries. This is DHL’s third DRT deployment in the Americas region so far this year, following response in January for an earthquake in Puerto Rico and again due to mudslides in Brazil. In the Americas region, DHL has more than 364 trained DRT employee volunteers ready to respond in 10 countries.
In addition to the DRT deployments, the Group's Get Airports Ready for Disaster (GARD) initiative –also part of the GoHelp program – trains airport management in high-risk regions to be better prepared should disaster strike.
You can read more about Deutsche Post DHL’s sustainability activities in our latest Sustainability Report.