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The Era of Logistics

The combined global health and social crisis continue to deepen pre-existing structural and social inequities. Therefore companies need to ensure that equity and inclusion of all forms of human diversity define the “new normal” in the workplace. What role does leadership play in addressing these inequities in a sustainable systemic way?

Diversity & Inclusion Session - June 16


Sylvie Nicol

Executive Vice President HR Services, Henkel

Edem Wosornu

Chief of the Response Support Branch (RSB), Coordination Division, OCHA

Rick Jackson

Executive Vice President Engagement & Enablement, DHL Group

  • Sylvie Nicol is Member of the Henkel Management Board as Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Infrastructure Services. On top, Sylvie Nicol is Chairwomen of Henkel’s Sustainability Council. Born in 1973 in Paris, France, she started her career at Henkel early on. 

    In 1996, after graduating from the renowned ESCP Europe business school, Nicol joined Henkel Beauty Care France, where she later became Corporate Vice President and General Manager Beauty Care Retail. In 2013, she moved to Düsseldorf, being responsible for Human Resources at Beauty Care. One year later, she became Corporate Senior Vice President for Beauty Care Retail in Europe as well as Global Sales at Beauty Care. In 2018, she became Corporate Senior Vice President Global Human Resources, before assuming her current role in April 2019. Nicol is married and has three sons. 

  • Edem has more than 19 years' experience in the United Nations system in both HQ and country operations, including in some of the world’s most complex emergencies. Edem has held multiple leadership positions with OCHA, including as Head of Office in Nigeria and Somalia; and in OCHA Headquarters (HQ) as Chief of the Strategy Planning, Evaluation and Guidance Section (SPEGS); Chief of the Asia and the Pacific Region in the then Coordination and Response Division - CRD (currently Operations and Advocacy Division - OAD); and as Lead, OCHA’s Political Engagement Team for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). 

    Previously, she held various roles with OCHA Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, and Sudan, and in CRD/OAD, Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), and NY Director’s Office. Prior to joining OCHA, Edem worked with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a United Nations Volunteer/legal expert in Sudan from 2002 to 2004, and as an intern in UNHCR’s London Office. Before her UN career, she worked in the private legal sector in London. 

    Edem is a Ghanaian national and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies from the College of Law, London; a Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Banking and Finance Law from University College London (UCL); and a Bachelor of Laws (LL. B) from the University of Hull, UK.

  • Rick Jackson is the Executive Vice President of Engagement & Enablement and is part of the HR management team as an HR Board member. Rick works closely with all business units to engage, enable and empower employees across the globe. He focuses on:

    • Building engagement and motivation through the Certified program
    • Embedding the Leadership Attributes framework 
    • Driving First Choice – a continuous improvement program
    • Strengthening the Group’s approach to inclusion and diversity
    • Mastering ability to embrace change 

    During his eighteen years with DHL Group, Rick has gained a wealth of experience and expertise in various parts of the business. Prior to his current appointment, he served as Senior Vice President DHL Group Certified Initiative & Global Head of CIS for DHL Express. In this capacity, he managed the Certified initiative which was a key part of the DHL Group Strategy 2020, including the Certified International Specialist program in DHL Express. 

    Rick also previously served as the Chief of Staff and European Business IT program manager for DHL Express Europe. In this context, he played a critical role in the creation of the European Business IT function.  

    His career in DHL Express commenced in the UK where he worked across the IT, HR & Customer Service organization. Rick has a Dual Hons Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Sheffield. 

Diversity & Inclusion Session - June 17


Amadou Diallo

Chief Executive Officer, DHL Global Forwarding Middle East & Africa

Dr. Hafsat Abiola

Executive President, Women in Africa

Sabine Mueller

Chief Executive Officer, DHL Consulting

  • Since June 2017, Amadou Diallo is CEO of DHL Global Forwarding Middle East & Africa. Based in Dubai, he is responsible for the performance and long-term strategic development of the unit, a role he is well-placed to perform with his experience in logistics and international leadership. Mr. Diallo has more than 30 years of experience in the tourism, banking, express, and logistics industries.

    He is also the founder of Saloodo!, DHL’s first logistics online platform. Prior to this role, he took on various senior roles within the organization – CEO of DHL Freight, CEO of DHL Global Forwarding South Asia Pacific, Chief Financial Officer of DHL Logistics Division, and Managing Director for the integration of Exel and DHL. Mr. Diallo has worked across all geographies in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

    Renowned for his expertise and forward-thinking approach towards corporate integrations, Mr. Diallo played a lead role in shaping the development and structure of the DHL Logistics Division through the Exel integration, which remains the largest corporate integration in the transportation and logistics industry to date.

    Mr. Diallo is Chairman of Amref Health Africa in Germany, a member of the boards of Welthungerhilfe, Global Business School Network, and the Universal Business School of Mumbai.

    He is Senegalese and fluent in several languages including English, German, French, Fulani, Wolof, and Spanish.

  • One of three leaders of Connected Women Leaders, Hafsat Abiola is the President of Women in Africa Initiative, the foremost platform organizing the continent's leading women into a force for sustainable development.

    An economist with degrees from Harvard and Tsinghua; a pro-democracy activist who lost both parents to her country's democracy struggle; and a former member of her state's cabinet in charge of the MDGs and trade and investment portfolios; Hafsat believes women's equal engagement in the economy and governance systems at all levels will lead to a better world.

    Her commitment to harnessing women’s power to transform society is reflected in her work, which spans from the local to global. In Nigeria, she founded KIND, a civil society organization that trains thousands of women in service-oriented leadership. She is one of 50 Councillors of the World Future Council, a Special Envoy to Africa for Women Political Leaders, a member of BMW Foundation's Responsible Leaders Group, Vital Voices 100, and an alumna of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Young Global Leaders. She is also the recipient of several global and national awards; including, in 2019, the U.S. Civil Rights Museum Public Service Award.

  • Sabine Mueller is the CEO of DHL Consulting, the independent management and supply chain consultancy of DHL Group. With over 20 years' experience, Sabine is a leading voice in logistics. She passionately promotes gender parity in the workplace.