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Enabling Business Through The Circular Economy

How changing market dynamics are impacting supply chains. 

Many forward-thinking companies are realizing that by embracing circular economy principles they can increase their competitiveness. The scale of change ranges from small adaptations to creating completely new revenue streams to fit in with this shifting landscape.

While a proportion of businesses are responding to their own moral compass, others are being prompted by their shareholders calling for greater sustainability. “We see that shareholder value is increasingly being driven by issues such as climate change, labor practices, and consumer product safety,” says Cyrus Taraporevala, Chief Executive, State Street Global Advisors.

As the public are becoming even more aware of the growing urgency for measures to protect the environment, they will increase their calls for action too.

The supply chain has a major role to play 

From traceability to recirculation, sustainable transport to reverse logistics, the supply chain is an essential component in the circular system and can become a vital enabler of a better future.