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Legal Notice

Company name:
Deutsche Post AG

Represented by the Board of Management:
Dr. Tobias Meyer, Chairman
Oscar de Bok
Pablo Ciano 
Nikola Hagleitner
Melanie Kreis
Dr. Thomas Ogilvie
John Pearson
Tim Scharwath

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Nikolaus von Bomhard

Commercial Register No:
Registration court Bonn HRB 6792

Turnover Tax ID No.:
DE 169838187

Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20
53113 Bonn
Tel. +49 (0) 228-18 20

Press contact information:
Contact form of the press office

Supervisory Authority

according to § 5 (1) No. 3 German Digital Services Act for mail transportation up to 1000 gram:
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA)

Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

Tel.: +49 / (0) 228 / 14-0


Information Society Services

DHL Supply Chain Turkey

Registered Trading Name

Trader's Registry Number
Marmara Kurumlar Vergi Dairesi   VKN: 6230098998

MERSİS number

Headquarter of the Enterprise
Küçükbakkalköy Mah, Defne Sok., Büyükhanlı Plaza Blok No: 3, İç kapı No:40
34750 Ataşehir İstanbul-Türkiye

Names and surnames of the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in joint stock companies

  • Member of Board of Directors : Deutsche Post Beteiligungen Holding GMBH
  • Corporate Person Representative: Tomasz Ryszard KOCIK

Committed and paid capital amount
179.036.664,28 TL

Name of the Auditor
AS Bağımsız Denetim ve YMM A.Ş.

The Auditor’s Adress
Büyükdere Cad. No:23 Kat:7 34381 Şişli/İstanbul

Beşiktaş /İST. 
Auditor Trade Register Number

DHL Express Turkey

Registered Trading Name
DHL Worldwide Express Taşımacılık ve Ticaret A.Ş. 

Trader's Registry Number

MERSİS number
9783 6822 1282 2954 

Headquarters of the Enterprise
İstanbul Bağcılar Yalçın Koreş Cad. No:20 

Names and surnames of the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in joint stock companies
Claus Lassen
Alastair Shaun MCCAMBRIDGE

Committed and paid capital amount
750.000 TL. 

Name of the Auditor
Başaran Nas Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş.

The Auditor’s Adress
Süleyman Seba Cad. BJK Plaza No :48 B Blok Kat:9 34357 Beşiktaş /İST. 

Auditor Trade Register Number