Additional Information
DHL Information Services
DHL Express
ISO 14001 Certificate
(246.6 KB)
ISO 9001 Certificate
(265.9 KB)
ISO 45001 Certificate
(277.8 KB)
ISO 50001 Certificate
(296.3 KB)
Terms of Use for the DHL ServicePoint Finder
Right of use - Deutsche Post AG grants you the non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right, limited in time to the duration of use, to use the information available in the DHL Finder exclusively for individual queries for private and non-commercial purposes. Any commercial use requires the written consent of Deutsche Post AG. Commercial use is presumed, among other things, if more than 200 individual inquiries are made within 24 hours.
Free service – Deutsche Post AG currently provides the DHL Finder service free of charge. However, Deutsche Post AG reserve the right to charge a usage fee for the service in the future.
Our right to suspend - Deutsche Post AG may suspend or block your use of the DHL Finder with immediate effect upon notice, if Deutsche Post AG determine that there has been a material breach of duty or obligation with respect to these Terms of Service, or a security incident, or if suspension or restriction is required by law, court order, or the request of a governmental authority.
Modification, Limitation, Termination - Deutsche Post AG may, in its sole discretion, modify, limit or terminate the DHL Finder free offer and your access to and use of it at any time.
Warranty and Liability - Free offerings are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind. Deutsche Post AG do not provide support, nor do Deutsche Post AG make any availability promises with respect to its Free Offerings. Deutsche Post AG are liable for damages or other claims arising out of or in connection with your use of a free offer only in cases of malice, willful misconduct and gross negligence. Deutsche Post AG’s liability for damages and other claims based on negligence is excluded in full to the extent permitted by law.
Dispute resolution platform - The EU Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution. This gives consumers the opportunity to initially resolve disputes in connection with their use of online services without having to go to court.
General duty to provide information in accordance with § 36 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters - Deutsche Post AG and DHL Paket GmbH are obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board. Senders who post items as consumers under our standard terms and conditions (GTC) and their recipients, if they are also consumers, may call upon the consumer arbitration board to settle disputes regarding rights and obligations in the event of loss, theft or damage to postal items or the infringement of their own rights to which they are entitled on the basis of a legal regulation pursuant to § 18 of the German Postal Act (PostG), if it has not been possible to reach an agreement with Deutsche Post AG or DHL Paket GmbH.
Open Source Software Components - This website or the DHL Finder Service may contain components that are subject to their own open source software license terms. For the component "js-joda software" the license terms available at js-joda/LICENSE at master • js-joda/js-joda • GitHub apply.
PPN 06/21- Carbon Reduction Plans
DHL Supply Chain - PPN 06/21 - Carbon Reduction Plan - March 2023
(1.2 MB)
DHL Supply Chain - PPN 06/21 - Carbon Reduction Plan - March 2022
(3.9 MB)
DHL Supply Chain - PPN 06/21 - Carbon Reduction Plan - November 2021
(438.1 KB)
Modern Slavery Statement
DHL Group, our parent company with more than EUR 57 billion in 2016, is the largest postal services provider in Europe and the world’s leading logistics Group. Our global business is organised into four divisions: Post - e-Commerce - Parcel, Express, Global Forwarding & Freight, and Supply Chain.
DHL Group has a Group-wide Code of Conduct, which is guided by the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Global Compact. In its chapter “Human Rights” it is explicitly stated that “we are clearly committed to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour and to the effective abolition of child labour.”
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct provides the guiding principle of all our company’s business practices. Adherence to the Code of Conduct is monitored by our Compliance organisation. Violations can be reported through multiple channels, including a dedicated Compliance Hotline. We also provide online training to educate employees about the Code of Conduct; the Code and training is currently available in 21 different languages.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct forms the basis of supplier relations. The Code places our suppliers under obligation to observe the strategic goals and values of DHL Group and to ensure that their own business partners and subcontractors adhere to our standards as well. The Supplier Code of Conduct is available in 26 different languages and Suppliers are offered access to an interactive training module.
We conduct compliance tests on our suppliers and business partners on a random basis. If, upon further investigation, a violation of our Supplier Code of Conduct is confirmed, the supplier in question must bindingly commit to address and remedy non-compliant behaviour as quickly as realistically possible and follow-up evaluations are conducted. If the supplier fails to meet our requirements, either in part or in full, further action is taken; in some cases, this can mean the termination of a business relationship.
DHL Supply Chain Modern Slavery Statement
(2.2 MB)
DHL Express Modern Slavery Statement
(317.1 KB)
DHL Global Forwarding Modern Slavery Statement
(180.9 KB)
DHL eCommerce Modern Slavery Statement
(220.3 KB)
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2021 and remains in force until superseded.
Gender Pay Gap Report
Respect and Results is the guiding principle at the core of DHL’s corporate values. As part of the respect culture, equality and diversity make us the strong international business that we are
DHL offers all roles on a ‘benchmarked’ basis, meaning that a role pays the same regardless of the individual fulfilling the post. DHL is proud to offer excellent opportunities to all our staff and we’re pleased to see that overall this report demonstrates true gender equality in our organisation. We promote all forms of equality and diversity across our global business.
Download our DHL Global Forwarding UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
(498.2 KB)
Download our DHL Global Forwarding UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
(572.8 KB)
Download our DHL Global Forwarding UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
(455.6 KB)
Download our DHL Global Forwarding UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2017
(888.9 KB)
Download our DHL Express UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
(432.0 KB)
Download our DHL Express UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
(285.2 KB)
Download our DHL Express UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
(223.5 KB)
Download our DHL Supply Chain UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
(67.3 KB)
Download our DHL eCommerce UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
(518.7 KB)
Companies Act 2006 Section 172 Statements
Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 sets out a number of general duties that directors owe to a company. These includes a general duty requiring directors to act in a way in which they consider, in good faith, will promote the success of the company for the benefit of shareholders as a whole.
The Section 172 statements, as disclosed in our published statutory financial statements for qualifying companies within DHL are available below:
DHL Real Estate (UK) Limited
(96.6 KB)
DHL Services Limited
(96.2 KB)
DHL Supply Chain Limited
(102.0 KB)
Digihaul Limited
(106.2 KB)
Exel Limited
(91.9 KB)
Exel Logistics Property Limited
(95.9 KB)
Exel UK Limited
(95.8 KB)
Health Solutions Limited
(166.5 KB)
Holding Companies Statements
(91.4 KB)
Manton Wood Management Company Limited
(97.2 KB)
McGregor Cory Limited
(100.7 KB)
Tradeteam Limited
(95.6 KB)
DHL Supply Chain Limited Section 172 Statements and Stakeholder engagement
(289.4 KB)
Exel Limited Section 172 Statements and Stakeholder engagement
(460.1 KB)