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Book European Road Freight Online

DHL Freight offers the following booking options free of charge:

  1. Book with myDHLFreight
  2. Book with DHL Freight Order Form

You can also book a shipment through sending an e-mail to our customer service However, please note that all the necessary information must be summarized in the e-mail body; sending solely packing lists and other attachments is not considered as booking. These e-mail bookings are subject to a service fee of 7,50 €.

To reach our customer service or learn more about preparing your shipment, visit our Help Center.

myDHLFreight for Regular Shippers

myDHLFreight provides easy access to a range of self-service shipping features.

Read more about the tool

Book with DHL Freight Order Form

The DHL Freight order form can be used for occasional shipping needs.

Fill the form with all the necessary shipment information and send it as an e-mail attachement to our customer service

Shipments to / from non-EU territories require a commercial invoice or proforma invoice. Further instructions and an invoice template can be found on our Useful Documents Page.

Book Through Email

E-mail bookings are subject to a service fee of 7,50 €. 

If you would like to book by sending us an email, all the necessary information must be summarized in the e-mail body. Please note, sending solely packing lists and other attachments is not considered as booking.

Please include the following information in the body of the email: 

  • Consignor and consignee details (and possible different collection and delivery address): company name, full address, contact person, e-mail and telephone number 
  • Who is paying the freight 
  • Description of goods 
  • Size of shipment: number, dimensions (L x W x H) and gross weight of packages, stackability 
  • Expected collection time 
  • Instructions for collection and / or delivery, reference numbers 
  • Any other relevant information concerning the nature or content of the shipment (i.e. dangerous goods, transportation time, need for additional transportation insurance). 

Send the email to

Explore our Online Shipping Tools

From DHL Active Tracing to eBilling and EDI integrations, explore our digital tools and capabilities