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Welcome to .DHL

Excellence. Simply delivered.

Welcome to the website of the .DHL domain name Registry, operated by and on behalf of Deutsche Post AG.

On 23 July 2015, ICANN and Deutsche Post AG, entered into a Registry Agreement under which Deutsche Post AG, operates the .dhl top-level domain. This agreement is available here and on the website of ICANN.

According to the contract Deutsche Post AG has executed with ICANN, domain name registrations in the .DHL gTLD are restricted: only Registry Operator (Deutsche Post AG), its Affiliates or Trademark Licensees (as defined in Specification 13 to the Registry Agreement) are eligible to be registrants of domain names in the TLD and entitled to control the DNS records associated with domain names at any level in the .DHL TLD.

Please refer to the contents of said Specification 13, which is available here and on ICANN’s website.

Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions if you would like to submit a complaint.