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Become a Partner for Domestic Traffic in Sweden

We’re always looking for reliable and professional partners that we can work with to deliver the best service and quality in the market. Do you want to become a future partner of DHL Freight? Complete the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Interested in becoming an international partner?  Explore our international application

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Company information

Please enter your company name

Please enter your VAT number

Please enter the website

Please enter the number of employees

Please enter the number of drivers

Please enter the geographical area

Contact Information

Please enter the contact person

Please enter the phone number

Please enter the email address

Vehicle Fleet Information

Please enter the total number of owned vehicles

Please enter the total number of parcel vans

Please enter the total number of LTL and PTL trucks

Please specify the other trucks

If you would like to learn more about how DHL uses your personal data, please read our privacy notice.

Forms Summary