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DHL Freight Shipper Help Center

Our team is here to help. We've collected some of our most requested topic in this Help Center. In order to quickly get you to the information you seek. We've categorized topics segmented depending on if you're receiving or shipping (as a private person or as a business person.)

Help for Our Business Customers

Whether you're shipping parcels to e-commerce customers or pallets, containers or other cargo to business customers, this section will help answer all your most detailed questions about our products and services.

Product and Service Details

Useful Documents

Our useful documents page contains important documents you might need for our operation and to understand the details of our services. Documents include:

  • Local and International Certificates (example: ISO 9001)
  • Quality and Environmental Policies 
  • Insurance Documents
  • Terms and Conditions for our Products


Explore our Useful Downloads

Service Points and Terminal

Shipping Guidance

Account Help

Online Shipping Tools and Data Integrations

Our customer portal myDHLFreight, along with our wide range of tools and integrations, ensures you can seamlessly and efficiently integrate DHL into your operation.

Help for Private Parcel Shippers Using Direct Payment

Direct payment shipments include shipments made with a credit card using our shipping tool MyDHLParcel and dropped off at a DHL ServicePoint.

Contact Details for Shippers

If you can't find the information about making a shipment that you need, reach out to our team.

Hours: Monday-Friday 08.00-18.00

Are you looking for help with a shipment in transit?

Let’s get you over to our Tracking and Customer Service areas. Once there, simply enter your tracking number and we’ll help you track down the information you need.