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Shipping Rates and Timetables

For private persons shipping parcels in Sweden or across the EU using a direct payment

We offer affordable, fast and fully trackage shipment throughout Sweden and to Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary.

Please note these rates are for private consumers using a direct payment method like a credit card. If you are a business customer of DHL Freight with an account number and custom rates, you see your rates by ordering a price appendix.

Rates and Delivery Times in Sweden

In Sweden, our approximate delivery time is 1 to 3 working days. We also allow 14 days of storage time at the service point.

 Our size restrictions include:

  • Minimum dimension: 15 x 11 x 2 cm (length, width, height)

  • Maximum dimension: 200 cm (length + width + height)

  • Length max: 120 cm

Rates For Shipment in Sweden

As long as your shipment size fits within the guidelines above the rates are determined by weight.

European Rates and Delivery Times

Our delivery time varies by your destination country. Please refer to the chart below for approximate delivery times and storage period. 
For European delivery we have four options, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. The maximum length and size limits vary for each of these options. Please refer to the chart below for complete details. 
Our size restrictions include:

  • Maximum weight: 20 kg (for all sizes)

  • Minimum dimension: 15 x 11 x 2 cm (length, width, height)

European Shipment Rates

European Delivery Times

Country ISO Code Approximate Delivery Time (working days) Storage Period (in days)
Belgium BE 4 15
Bulgaria BG 6-7 30
Denmark DK 4-5 14
Estonia EE 6-8 15
Finland FI 6 14
France FR 5 15
Greece GR 8-10 30
Ireland IE 5-6 16
Italy IT 5 15
Croatia HR 4-5 15
Latvia LV 5-7 30
Lithuania LT 6-7 30
Luxembourg LU 4-6 30
Netherlands NL 4 21
Austria AT 4 14
Poland PL 4-5 14
Portugal PT 6-7 15
Romania RO 5-6 30
Slovakia SK 5 18
Slovenia SI 5 15
Spain ES 6-7 15
Czech Republic CZ 4-5 15
Germany DE 4-5  
Hungary HU 5 10