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DHL Supply Chain 

Fornitore leader mondiale di logistica contrattuale

Per massimizzare il valore della tua Supply Chain è fondamentale disporre di un partner logistico affidabile in grado di fornire un eccellente supporto ovunque, vicino a te o dall’altra parte del mondo.


Countries with Active Operations 1


Warehouses locations 1,2


Square meters of storage space 1,2


Supply Chain Experts 1

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DHL Supply Chain Global Reach

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

0 Employees 1
0 Square meters of storage space 2
0 Warehouses and offices 2
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DHL Supply Chain presence Partner Other DHL Group Operations
DHL Supply Chain presence Partner Other DHL Group Operations
1. As of December 2023. 2. Includes DHL owned and leased warehouses only and not customer owned facilities operated by DHL.

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