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Leadership in the Electrification of Ground Transport

In recent years we have seen highest temperature records regularly being broken all over the world. Scientists tell us that the planet’s average surface temperature has risen around one degree since the late 19th century – a change that has triggered a series of extreme weather events in recent decades.

Stephan Schablinski, VP, Global GoGreen, Global Operations Excellence, says the broad scientific consensus is that these changes in temperature are the direct result of human activity: “While inconvenient, the truth is that we are at a crossroads. We have the power – and a responsibility – to alter the worrying trajectory of man-made climate change.”

The logistics industry, second only to the energy sector, is in the front line of global business’ battle to curb climate change, with transportation estimated to account for around 16.2 percent of global greenhouse emissions.

Driving towards a more sustainable future

As the global logistics leader, DHL has a key role to play in driving our industry towards a more sustainable future and in providing solutions that help both our customers and the communities around them with warehousing and transport solutions that come with reduced, or even zero, emissions.