We all love getting something in the post (bills excluded). But sadly the days of personal letters tumbling through mailboxes are behind most of us. Fortunately though, for lovers of the tangible, package shipping isn’t. 1
Whether you ordered one, expected one to arrive or were not expecting anything at all, the arrival of a parcel in your mailbox still feels like a very special kind of reward.
To online retailers, this presents a unique opportunity. One that starts with good feelings and, if done right, ends with renewed brand loyalty. Put another way? If you’re not personalizing your customers’ shipments, you might not be connecting with them2.
Did your mom always nag you to write your thank you notes? (Does she still?) It might have taken a few years to understand, but as we all know, a personal ‘thank you’ makes a real difference3.
Business is no different. So why not try including a simple, handwritten note thanking your customer for their purchase? You’ll find it humbles and humanizes your brand in a way that can only mean good things.
The beauty of this approach is its ease and affordability; building a more authentic bond between you and your customer, regardless of the actual distance between you.
Short on inspiration? Check out this sweet and simple card that baby clothing delivery service Beanstalk Bundles includes with every order.
Why not sweeten the deal with a discount referral code for them to share with friends? No, it’s not subtle, but in the social media age, it’s also not considered to be bad practice. Employed correctly, this is a great way to get your loyal customers following you on social media and delivers some valuable user-generated content.
When Nest first tried to change the way we use thermostats, they did so knowing full well that any kind of installation could be off-putting.
Anticipating any problems, they turned a practical solution into a gift; including a small screwdriver, simple instructions and color-coded stickers to keep track of the wires. They solved the problem before it even became one. A custom-made screwdriver might not be everyone’s idea of a bonus gift, but when you’re selling thermostats at US$250 a piece, it’s a remarkably savvy investment. Especially if it gets the product into apartments with zero fuss.
OK, so you might not be ready for the more advanced stuff just yet. The important thing is just to get started. Next time you pack a delivery, throw in your business card, wrap the item in branded tissue paper or seal your package with a simple ‘You deserve this’ sticker.
Finally – if you have samples, take the opportunity to introduce your customers to them, then ask for feedback through social media. It’s a great way to make sure your collateral is on point and telling your story. Not only does it build relationships, it’s also free marketing. And nothing tastes as good as free.