
Carbon Neutral Buildings

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Carbon Neutral Buildings

Being the most international company in the world with operations in over 220 countries and territories, we have a considerable number of physical assets like warehouses, sorting centers/hubs/terminals, office buildings etc. We aim to leverage the latest green technologies to have carbon neutral buildings across our businesses worldwide.

Our approach for carbon neutral buildings by default:

Our approach for carbon neutral buildings by default:

  • Use digitalisation/intelligent building management systems to further reduce energy consumption
  • Increase share of green electricity to more than 90% globally by 2030 and directly procure energy from sustainable sources
  • Roll-out of sustainable energy sources for heating to more than 50% of our buildings by 2030
  • Convert locally produced electricity from renewable sources (e.g., solar power/photovoltaic) into fuels for our electrified fleet
  • Carbon neutral design for all new (owned) buildings

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