
Weekly Trade Update: 20/06/24

Weekly Trade Update: 20/06/24
Business systems to drive success
How AI can boost diversity and inclusion
Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Business systems to drive success

Software contact management and building a strong team are just two strategies businesses can utilise to help make their lives easier and drive long-term success. Implementing the services listed in this article can help to ensure that your business is well-equipped to navigate any challenges and seize opportunities in today’s dynamic landscape.

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How AI can boost diversity and inclusion

While we are aware of how AI can replicate day-to-day human tasks, it also has the ability to remove language barriers and make communication more accessible to employees with disabilities. Embracing AI’s capabilities to improve communication across a business can pave the way for a more inclusive, dynamic, and prosperous workforce.

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Sustainable Packaging Solutions

72% of consumers said they would be prepared to pay extra for sustainable packaging. Integrating sustainable packaging into your operations is one way to make continuous improvements towards your business’s green logistics targets and global sustainability goals. In this article, explore a range of eco-friendly packaging solutions and how and why you should consider incorporating them into your green logistics strategy.

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