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The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) is significant for both Australia and for the US. It allows for greater flows of goods, services and capital in both directions. The agreement significantly reduces tariff and non-tariff barriers and opens up the Australian market to US investors while the US allows similar access to Australian investors.
This has not only opened up opportunities for trade between the two countries, but also provides mutual economic benefits such as investment opportunities, enhanced business relationships, and jobs creation. For this reason, AUSFTA has been met with optimism as it promises economic growth for both nations by reducing bureaucracy, providing suppliers with secure access to markets and promoting trade competition.
The AUSFTA is the first free trade agreement entering into force with Australia and is essential for businesses to expand global trade from increased access to the US market. The agreement facilitates the expanding of exports such as beef, dairy and wine from Australia to the US, while allowing US health products, computer accessories and telecommunication equipment to benefit from lower duties in Australia.
This will not only create greater investment opportunities but also encourage further cooperation in research and technological innovation. AUSFTA will lead to deeper economic ties between both countries as Australia's exports increase and our nation is exposed to more international growth opportunities.
Free trade agreements have long been a useful tool for businesses, as these can enable them to access new markets and seize exclusive opportunities. However, there are still large knowledge gaps regarding free trade agreements like the AUSFTA, NAFTA and AANZFTA, preventing businesses from making full use of the free trade agreements available to them to support their export strategy.
For instance, despite the landmark agreement between Australia and North America, a quarter of Australian exporters remain unaware of the AUSFTA – highlighting just how much potential is lost without comprehensive resources related to the free trade agreements. Therefore, it's critical for companies looking to expand into international markets to be more informed about the different free trade agreements in place with Australia so they can make the most out of their exports.