
Weekly trade update: 19/10/23

Weekly trade update: 19/10/23
The Sunday Times Hundred 2023
Protecting SMEs in the online marketplace
An AI roadmap for startups

The Sunday Times Hundred 2023

The Sunday Times Hundred 2023

The Sunday Times Hundred is an annual ranking of Britain’s fastest-growing private companies. Their awards event recognises the incredible achievements of the businesses making the list. DHL Express was honoured to present the International Growth Award to Snag, a tights and clothing retailer based in West Lothian, Scotland, who ranked 32nd on the list. Founded in 2017, almost half of its £32 million sales last year came from international customers, and they have ambitious plans to grow their business even further. For further insight and inspiration from the Sunday Times Hundred businesses and entrepreneurs, read more below.

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Protecting SMEs in the online marketplace

Protecting SMEs in the online marketplace

In a new publication, the FSB look into how SMEs use online platforms and the challenges they face in doing so. With hopes to protect and promote SMEs, the FSB have set out some proposals to ensure small businesses can make the most of what trading online has to offer. This article contains some of the insightful statistics from the report.

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An AI roadmap for starters

An AI roadmap for starters

Implementing AI into your business doesn’t have to be intimidating. This article maps out the steps you can take to successfully integrate various AI tools into your SME and begin to utilise some of the benefits it has to offer.

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