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Automotive Shipments with DHL Express

Our solutions for the automotive industry

Sustainable mobility, legislation on emissions, self-driving vehicles, growth in emerging markets, production process efficiency: these are the big challenges to overcome to be competitive in this sector. We offer you the chance to take up these challenges head-on, cooperating with companies to create innovative solutions together.

Speed and Reliability

Speed, reliability, knowledge of sector-specific supply chains, and efficient shipment management processes are the characteristics on which the major automotive players already rely.

Needs in the Automotive Industry

Companies that manufacture and move mechanical components and machinery bound for foreign countries and emerging markets need to be able to react quickly, for example, to avoid a plant downtime or production stop due to lack of raw materials.

Industry Expertise

We have a consolidated experience in the sector, we offer a wide and well-structured range of services capable of satisfying every transportation need, with an extensive network connecting over 220 countries around the world.

Customized Solutions

We support companies with solutions that integrate with their organization and adapt to changes in the market, production systems and products.

Useful Documents

Learn About Time Definite Services

With Time Definite Services, we can deliver your shipments by a predetermined time on the first possible business day.

Ask for Information

Tell us a little more about your organization to get started.