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meeting legal, industry and governments standards, particularly in the areas of bribery and corruption;
working as a partner, not only as a supplier;
peace of mind – working with a compliance focused company;
their success is our success.
It’s how we do what we do
Our Code of Conduct defines clear ethical standards for DPDHL employees and spans the entire spectrum of our daily work and operations. It is guided by the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact and those of the 1998 International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The Code communicates to our customers, investors and the public that we are a reliable, trustworthy partner that combines first-class service with a strong sense of responsibility. It confirms our aspiration to become a provider, employer and investment of choice.
Through measurable actions, our CMS policies and controls help ensure that we all behave in a way that adheres to laws and regulations. For example, in 2014 DPDHL signed on to the six core Principles for Countering Corruption of the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). Subject to international standards, the CMS is underpinned by the following policies.
We deal with all our customers, suppliers and government agencies in a straightforward manner and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, specifically international anti-corruption standards as stated in the UN Global Compact and local anti-corruption and bribery laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act. We recognise the importance of the principles contained in the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and are committed to conducting our business around the globe in an ethical manner that upholds these principles.
We perform due diligence on, for example, all potential joint venture partners and major subcontractors providing important elements of our services before engaging them. The questionnaire is the standard upon which we screen potential suppliers to ensure their suitability.
We expect all our suppliers to adhere to the same ethical principles. All prospective suppliers are required to sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct and to provide warranted details and statements.
We compete fairly and openly in the marketplace and do not try to coordinate, conduct or share information with competitors.
Our objective is to ensure that all Express employees are aware of the risks we face, are equipped with the right tools to deal with these, and recognise the active role we all play in mitigating risks whenever and wherever identified.
We have significant expertise and experience already managing many aspects of compliance. Our approach is to harness and leverage what we have and to organise it into a clearly defined, robust and articulated system. Compliance is led by the Global Compliance Officer and a network of senior employees responsible for embedding the CMS in critical areas of the business.
Business entities of the countries execute, measure, and track compliance with the core processes of the CMS. This information is consolidated and reviewed by the DHL Express Global Compliance team.
The DHL Express Global Compliance team uses corporate communications channels which provide effective ‘Tone from the Top’ targeted messages. Moreover, members of the Compliance structure monitor local laws and regulatory changes to remain compliant, and provide an effective channel to broadcast messages.
A range of courses is mandated depending on the seniority and role profile of the individuals concerned. The “Certified International Specialists – Compliance Awareness Module” forms part of the CMS and is mandatory for all employees, while “Certified International Specialists – Country/Entity Compliance Coordinator Module” is mandatory for all Country/Entity Compliance Coordinators.
These measures promote understanding of compliance, raise awareness of and engagement with critical situations, and enable our employees to observe the law and internal policy requirements in their day-to-day business.
Management of non-compliance is essential to support the fight against bribery and corruption and criminal activities. Employees are encouraged to report breaches through the Compliance Hotline which provides them a protected channel.
Compliance directly ties in with organisational strategic goals. By supporting fair competition and good business practices, we underline our promise to be Provider of Choice. As Employer of Choice we encourage health and safety measures, respect our employees’ right to express their views, and promote diversity and heterogeneity. To ensure we remain Investment of Choice we have established measures to counter the financial threats of corruption and fraud, and we behave openly and transparently when dealing with stakeholders.
Please visit the Deutsche Post DHL Group website.
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