
Import goods into Malaysia

Import goods into Malaysia


Under Malaysian Law stated in the Customs (Prohibition of Import) Order 2017, there are Absolute Prohibition and Conditional Prohibition. You may refer here for the full list. Below is a guide for items related to DHL Express:

Absolute Prohibition – The importation of the items into Malaysia is absolutely prohibited

  • Any items sensitive to any religion, belief in Malaysia or may disrupt the peace and harmony of the country
  • Pornographic Material items include but not limited to sex toys, sex dolls, illicit prints such as books, magazines, digital print and paintings etc

Conditional Prohibition – The importation of the items into Malaysia is allowed with an import license or in the manner provided by the Order

  • Pharmaceutical Items such as Cosmetics, Vitamins, Supplements, Perfume, Skincare Products
  • Cigarettes, Tobacco and any items containing Nicotine
  • Wine, Liquor, Beer and Spirit as well as apparatus for home brewing
  • Any items originating from Israel
  • Any foodstuff and beverages for commercial purposes consumed by either human or animals
  • Any form of Animal Skins
  • Birds Nest
  • Wood or any wooden products
  • Telecommunication product
  • Rubber Products such as tires
  • Used/ Scrap electronic items including laptops and mobile phones
  • Plants listed under the CITES Convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)

An importer may apply for a permit or license for importation directly from the Government Agencies or through an agent. The designated Government Agencies may be referred to the Customs (Prohibition of Import) Order 2017 Column 5 of each Schedule.

DHL Express does not perform any permit application on behalf of the importer. It is advisable for the permit approval to be obtained prior to shipment arrival into Malaysia.

Here are 3 reasons why your shipment is classified as rejected import:


  • Declaring an item is one thing when it is really something else
  • Generally this is done to beat duty at destination or to avoid import or export restrictions


  • This usually goes hand-in-hand with misrepresentation
  • It involves saying something is worth less than it actually is
  • The conscious undervaluing of an item is also done to beat duty at destination or to avoid import or export restrictions


  • It means the shipper does not itemize or declare everything in the shipment
  • If paperwork is presented for entry and an inspection of the goods reveals something has not been declared the shipper is, in effect, smuggling

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